- A legújabb radiál-gumiabroncs termékek aratógépekhez és kombájnokhoz: a legújabb technológiák és a Trelleborg mezőgazdasági gumiabroncsok területén szerzett sok éves tapasztalat eredménye. Magas terhelhetőség alacsony nyomáson is. A standard gumiabroncsokkal összehasonlítva a nagyméretű tapadófelület nagyobb terhelést bír el kisebb guminyomással is.
A rugalmas radiál szövetváznak és mély húzómintáknak köszönhetően kiváló húzóerőt biztosít. A használt anyagok kiemelkedő minősége biztosítja a rázkódással és szúrásokkal szembeni nagyfokú ellenállást. Optimális oldalstabilitás nehéz, és fokozottan egyenetlen talajon. Alacsony rezgésszint és kiemelkedő kényelem bármely munkakörülmények között.
Kattintson a nagyobb képért
Profilszélesség |
633 |
Átmérő |
1590 |
Gördülési kerület |
4850 |
Static loaded radius |
716 |
Speed radius index |
750 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW20B |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
3.2 |
Típus |
R1-W |
Tubetype |
Tubeless |
Váltóméret |
23.1R26 |
2530 |
2845 |
3455 |
3750 |
4120 |
4500 |
4900 |
5300 |
2710 |
3045 |
3700 |
4015 |
4410 |
4810 |
5240 |
5670 |
3255 |
3795 |
4740 |
5185 |
5905 |
6460 |
7045 |
7650 |
7800 |
7950 |
2710 |
3045 |
3700 |
4015 |
4410 |
4810 |
5240 |
5670 |
3995 |
5110 |
5625 |
6535 |
7165 |
7810 |
8495 |
8670 |
9010 |
SW= On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
40/30= On road transport at 40/30 Km/h. For intensive road transport at 40 Km/h the pressure should be increased by 0.4 bar.
10 LT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Surface treatment with low torque value. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 40%.
10 HT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Field application with high torque value.
S= Single fitment
10 Cyc= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 20%.
SRI= Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theortical tractor speed during European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tyre sizes.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
662 |
Átmérő |
1817 |
Gördülési kerület |
5495 |
Static loaded radius |
805 |
Speed radius index |
825 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW20B |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
3.2 |
Típus |
R1W |
Tubetype |
Tubeless |
Tömlő |
24.5-32 |
Váltóméret |
24.5R32 |
3010 |
3385 |
4110 |
4500 |
4900 |
5300 |
5820 |
6300 |
3220 |
3620 |
4395 |
4770 |
5245 |
5715 |
6230 |
6740 |
3870 |
4515 |
5635 |
6160 |
7020 |
7680 |
8370 |
9090 |
9270 |
9450 |
3220 |
3620 |
4395 |
4770 |
5245 |
5715 |
6230 |
6740 |
4750 |
6070 |
6685 |
7765 |
8520 |
9285 |
10100 |
10305 |
10710 |
SW= On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
40/30= On road transport at 40/30 Km/h. For intensive road transport at 40 Km/h the pressure should be increased by 0.4 bar.
10 LT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Surface treatment with low torque value. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 40%.
10 HT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Field application with high torque value.
S= Single fitment
10 Cyc= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 20%.
SRI= Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theortical tractor speed during European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tyre sizes.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
735 |
Átmérő |
1850 |
Gördülési kerület |
5595 |
Static loaded radius |
830 |
Speed radius index |
875 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW23B |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
3.2 |
Típus |
R1W |
Tubetype |
Tubeless |
Tömlő |
30,5-32 |
3490 |
3925 |
4760 |
5170 |
5680 |
6195 |
6750 |
7300 |
3735 |
4195 |
5095 |
5530 |
6080 |
6625 |
7220 |
7815 |
4170 |
4860 |
6210 |
6840 |
7945 |
8715 |
9495 |
10330 |
10540 |
10950 |
3735 |
4195 |
5095 |
5530 |
6080 |
6625 |
7220 |
7815 |
5510 |
7040 |
7755 |
9005 |
9880 |
10765 |
11705 |
11945 |
12410 |
SW= On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
40/30= On road transport at 40/30 Km/h. For intensive road transport at 40 Km/h the pressure should be increased by 0.4 bar.
10 LT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Surface treatment with low torque value. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 40%.
10 HT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Field application with high torque value.
S= Single fitment
10 Cyc= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 20%.
SRI= Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theortical tractor speed during European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tyre sizes.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
800 |
Átmérő |
1846 |
Gördülési kerület |
5595 |
Static loaded radius |
829 |
Speed radius index |
875 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW27B |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
DW25B; DH27; DW28B |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
3.2 |
Típus |
R1W |
Tubetype |
Tubeless |
Tömlő |
30,5-32 |
Váltóméret |
30.5LR32 |
3580 |
4030 |
4890 |
5300 |
5835 |
6300 |
6930 |
7500 |
3835 |
4310 |
5235 |
5680 |
6240 |
6805 |
7415 |
8025 |
4605 |
5373 |
6710 |
7335 |
8355 |
9145 |
9965 |
10820 |
11035 |
11250 |
3835 |
4310 |
5235 |
5680 |
6240 |
6805 |
7415 |
8025 |
5655 |
7230 |
7960 |
9250 |
10140 |
11055 |
12025 |
12265 |
12750 |
SW= On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
40/30= On road transport at 40/30 Km/h. For intensive road transport at 40 Km/h the pressure should be increased by 0.4 bar.
10 LT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Surface treatment with low torque value. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 40%.
10 HT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Field application with high torque value.
S= Single fitment
10 Cyc= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 20%.
SRI= Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theortical tractor speed during European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tyre sizes.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
890 |
Átmérő |
1900 |
Gördülési kerület |
5765 |
Static loaded radius |
855 |
Speed radius index |
925 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW30B |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
DW27B; DW28B |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
3.2 |
Típus |
R1W |
Tubetype |
Tubeless |
Tömlő |
30,5-32 |
3795 |
4290 |
5280 |
5860 |
6520 |
7015 |
7675 |
8250 |
4065 |
4595 |
5650 |
6270 |
6975 |
7505 |
8210 |
8830 |
5165 |
5835 |
7185 |
7970 |
8865 |
9540 |
10435 |
11220 |
11470 |
12375 |
4065 |
4595 |
5650 |
6270 |
6975 |
7505 |
8210 |
8830 |
6480 |
7975 |
8845 |
9845 |
10590 |
11590 |
12460 |
13010 |
14025 |
SW= On the nominal RIM. (Not referred to the PERMITTED RIMS)
40/30= On road transport at 40/30 Km/h. For intensive road transport at 40 Km/h the pressure should be increased by 0.4 bar.
10 LT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Surface treatment with low torque value. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 40%.
10 HT= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Field application with high torque value.
S= Single fitment
10 Cyc= Maximum speed 10 Km/h. Harvesting machines in cyclic loading service and field to farm transit. Slope up to 20%.
SRI= Speed Radius Index - value to be used for the calculation of the theortical tractor speed during European Union homologation and for the interchangeability of different tyre sizes.
IMPORTANT: the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.