T410 Agroforest
- Tökéletes választás a mezőgazdasági és erdészeti munkát végző gépekhez. A megerősített oldalfalaknak és a vágásnak ellenálló anyagnak köszönhetően ezek a gumiabroncsok a normál traktorgumik élettartamának kétszereséig tartanak.
A gumiabroncsok megfelelnek az erdei nehéz talajon való használatnak és kényelmet, valamint megfelelő húzóerőt biztosítanak termőföldön vagy utakon.
Kattintson a nagyobb képért
Profilszélesség |
325 |
Átmérő |
1165 |
Gördülési kerület |
3462 |
Static loaded radius |
546 |
Speed radius index |
545 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W11 |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W9, W10 |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
12.4-24 |
1000 |
1120 |
1240 |
1360 |
1395 |
1435 |
1465 |
1495 |
1525 |
1555 |
1580 |
1600 |
1085 |
1215 |
1355 |
1500 |
1540 |
1575 |
1610 |
1645 |
1675 |
1700 |
1725 |
1750 |
1160 |
1300 |
1450 |
1605 |
1650 |
1685 |
1725 |
1760 |
1790 |
1820 |
1850 |
1875 |
1425 |
1585 |
1745 |
1910 |
1995 |
2075 |
2165 |
2250 |
2290 |
2325 |
2405 |
2440 |
2470 |
2495 |
2515 |
2590 |
2610 |
2625 |
950 |
1065 |
1190 |
1315 |
1350 |
1385 |
1415 |
1445 |
1470 |
1495 |
1515 |
1535 |
1575 |
1610 |
1645 |
1680 |
1710 |
1745 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
380 |
Átmérő |
1260 |
Gördülési kerület |
3768 |
Static loaded radius |
583 |
Speed radius index |
590 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W12 |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W11, W13 |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
14.9-24 |
1285 |
1450 |
1600 |
1750 |
1800 |
1850 |
1900 |
1945 |
1985 |
2025 |
2060 |
2120 |
1425 |
1600 |
1775 |
1950 |
2000 |
2050 |
2095 |
2140 |
2175 |
2215 |
2245 |
2300 |
1525 |
1710 |
1900 |
2085 |
2140 |
2195 |
2245 |
2290 |
2330 |
2370 |
2405 |
2460 |
1875 |
2085 |
2295 |
2505 |
2610 |
2715 |
2820 |
2925 |
2975 |
3025 |
3130 |
3170 |
3205 |
3240 |
3275 |
3370 |
3395 |
3415 |
1250 |
1405 |
1560 |
1710 |
1755 |
1800 |
1840 |
1875 |
1910 |
1940 |
1970 |
1995 |
2050 |
2100 |
2150 |
2200 |
2250 |
2300 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
380 |
Átmérő |
1365 |
Gördülési kerület |
4071 |
Static loaded radius |
637 |
Speed radius index |
640 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W12 |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W11, W13 |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
14.9-28 |
1385 |
1550 |
1725 |
1900 |
1955 |
2005 |
2050 |
2095 |
2135 |
2170 |
2205 |
2240 |
1510 |
1700 |
1880 |
2060 |
2115 |
2170 |
2220 |
2270 |
2315 |
2355 |
2395 |
2430 |
1615 |
1820 |
2015 |
2205 |
2265 |
2325 |
2380 |
2430 |
2475 |
2520 |
2565 |
2600 |
1980 |
2210 |
2435 |
2655 |
2765 |
2875 |
2985 |
3090 |
3150 |
3205 |
3310 |
3360 |
3405 |
3445 |
3485 |
3585 |
3615 |
3645 |
1325 |
1490 |
1650 |
1810 |
1860 |
1905 |
1950 |
1990 |
2030 |
2070 |
2100 |
2135 |
2190 |
2240 |
2295 |
2350 |
2400 |
2450 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
440 |
Átmérő |
1435 |
Gördülési kerület |
4275 |
Static loaded radius |
669 |
Speed radius index |
670 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W15L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W13, W14L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
16.9-28 |
1600 |
1800 |
2020 |
2240 |
2295 |
2345 |
2395 |
2440 |
2480 |
2515 |
2545 |
2575 |
1775 |
2000 |
2215 |
2430 |
2490 |
2550 |
2600 |
2650 |
2695 |
2735 |
2770 |
2800 |
1900 |
2140 |
2370 |
2600 |
2665 |
2725 |
2785 |
2835 |
2880 |
2925 |
2965 |
2995 |
2325 |
2595 |
2865 |
3130 |
3255 |
3390 |
3520 |
3645 |
3705 |
3760 |
3885 |
3930 |
3975 |
4010 |
4040 |
4160 |
4180 |
4200 |
1555 |
1755 |
1945 |
2135 |
2185 |
2235 |
2285 |
2325 |
2365 |
2400 |
2430 |
2455 |
2520 |
2585 |
2645 |
2705 |
2765 |
2825 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
440 |
Átmérő |
1470 |
Gördülési kerület |
4428 |
Static loaded radius |
686 |
Speed radius index |
695 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W15L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W13, W14L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
16.9-30 |
1650 |
1850 |
2075 |
2300 |
2360 |
2410 |
2460 |
2510 |
2550 |
2585 |
2620 |
2650 |
1830 |
2060 |
2280 |
2500 |
2565 |
2625 |
2680 |
2735 |
2780 |
2825 |
2865 |
2900 |
1960 |
2205 |
2440 |
2675 |
2745 |
2810 |
2870 |
2925 |
2975 |
3025 |
3065 |
3105 |
2400 |
2675 |
2950 |
3220 |
3355 |
3490 |
3620 |
3750 |
3815 |
3875 |
4005 |
4055 |
4100 |
4145 |
4180 |
4300 |
4330 |
4350 |
1605 |
1810 |
2000 |
2195 |
2250 |
2305 |
2355 |
2400 |
2440 |
2480 |
2515 |
2545 |
2610 |
2675 |
2735 |
2795 |
2855 |
2915 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
440 |
Átmérő |
1575 |
Gördülési kerület |
4734 |
Static loaded radius |
736 |
Speed radius index |
745 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W15L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W13L, W14L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
16.9-34 |
1775 |
2000 |
2215 |
2430 |
2490 |
2550 |
2600 |
2650 |
2695 |
2735 |
2770 |
2800 |
1940 |
2180 |
2415 |
2650 |
2720 |
2785 |
2845 |
2900 |
2950 |
2995 |
3035 |
3075 |
2075 |
2335 |
2585 |
2835 |
2910 |
2980 |
3040 |
3100 |
3155 |
3205 |
3250 |
3290 |
2550 |
2840 |
3130 |
3410 |
3550 |
3695 |
3835 |
3975 |
4045 |
4105 |
4245 |
4300 |
4345 |
4390 |
4430 |
4555 |
4585 |
4615 |
1705 |
1915 |
2120 |
2325 |
2385 |
2440 |
2495 |
2545 |
2590 |
2630 |
2665 |
2700 |
2765 |
2835 |
2900 |
2960 |
3025 |
3085 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
440 |
Átmérő |
1680 |
Gördülési kerület |
5037 |
Static loaded radius |
787 |
Speed radius index |
795 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W15L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W13, W14L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
16.9-38 |
1885 |
2120 |
2350 |
2575 |
2645 |
2705 |
2765 |
2820 |
2870 |
2920 |
2960 |
3000 |
2050 |
2300 |
2550 |
2800 |
2875 |
2940 |
3005 |
3065 |
3115 |
3165 |
3210 |
3250 |
2195 |
2460 |
2730 |
2995 |
3075 |
3145 |
3215 |
3275 |
3335 |
3390 |
3435 |
3480 |
2700 |
3000 |
3300 |
3600 |
3750 |
3905 |
4050 |
4200 |
4270 |
4340 |
4485 |
4540 |
4595 |
4640 |
4680 |
4815 |
4850 |
4875 |
1800 |
2020 |
2240 |
2455 |
2520 |
2580 |
2635 |
2690 |
2735 |
2780 |
2815 |
2850 |
2925 |
3000 |
3070 |
3135 |
3205 |
3270 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
480 |
Átmérő |
1550 |
Gördülési kerület |
4632 |
Static loaded radius |
720 |
Speed radius index |
695 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W16L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W14L, W15L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
18.4-30 |
1940 |
2180 |
2415 |
2650 |
2720 |
2785 |
2845 |
2900 |
2950 |
2995 |
3035 |
3075 |
2105 |
2360 |
2630 |
2900 |
2975 |
3045 |
3105 |
3165 |
3220 |
3270 |
3310 |
3350 |
2255 |
2525 |
2815 |
3105 |
3180 |
3255 |
3325 |
3385 |
3445 |
3495 |
3545 |
3585 |
2775 |
3080 |
3390 |
3705 |
3865 |
4025 |
4185 |
4350 |
4420 |
4490 |
4640 |
4700 |
4750 |
4795 |
4830 |
4970 |
5000 |
5025 |
1850 |
2070 |
2310 |
2545 |
2610 |
2670 |
2725 |
2780 |
2825 |
2870 |
2905 |
2940 |
3015 |
3090 |
3165 |
3235 |
3305 |
3375 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
475 |
Átmérő |
1645 |
Gördülési kerület |
4938 |
Static loaded radius |
766 |
Speed radius index |
775 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W16L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W14L, W15L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
18.4-34 |
2020 |
2300 |
2550 |
2800 |
2870 |
2940 |
3005 |
3060 |
3115 |
3165 |
3210 |
3250 |
2225 |
2500 |
2785 |
3075 |
3155 |
3225 |
3295 |
3355 |
3410 |
3465 |
3510 |
3550 |
2380 |
2675 |
2980 |
3290 |
3375 |
3450 |
3525 |
3590 |
3650 |
3705 |
3755 |
3800 |
2925 |
3255 |
3585 |
3925 |
4095 |
4265 |
4440 |
4615 |
4690 |
4760 |
4920 |
4980 |
5035 |
5080 |
5120 |
5270 |
5300 |
5325 |
1955 |
2195 |
2445 |
2700 |
2765 |
2830 |
2890 |
2945 |
2995 |
3040 |
3080 |
3115 |
3195 |
3275 |
3355 |
3435 |
3510 |
3585 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
470 |
Átmérő |
1750 |
Gördülési kerület |
5241 |
Static loaded radius |
819 |
Speed radius index |
825 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
W16L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
W14L, W15L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
18.4-38 |
2135 |
2430 |
2670 |
2900 |
2985 |
3065 |
3140 |
3210 |
3275 |
3340 |
3395 |
3450 |
2355 |
2650 |
2950 |
3250 |
3330 |
3410 |
3480 |
3545 |
3605 |
3660 |
3710 |
3750 |
2520 |
2835 |
3155 |
3480 |
3565 |
3650 |
3725 |
3795 |
3855 |
3915 |
3970 |
4015 |
3090 |
3445 |
3800 |
4155 |
4335 |
4510 |
4695 |
4875 |
4955 |
5030 |
5200 |
5260 |
5320 |
5370 |
5410 |
5570 |
5600 |
5625 |
2065 |
2325 |
2590 |
2850 |
2925 |
2990 |
3055 |
3110 |
3165 |
3210 |
3255 |
3290 |
3380 |
3465 |
3550 |
3630 |
3715 |
3795 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.
Profilszélesség |
520 |
Átmérő |
1850 |
Gördülési kerület |
5547 |
Static loaded radius |
859 |
Speed radius index |
870 |
Kerékpánt névleges méret |
DW16L |
Engedélyezett Felniméret |
DW18L |
Nominal pressure (bar) |
2.4 |
Tubetype |
Tubetype |
Tömlő |
20.8-38 |
2570 |
2900 |
3225 |
3550 |
3645 |
3730 |
3810 |
3885 |
3955 |
4015 |
4075 |
4125 |
2830 |
3150 |
3510 |
3875 |
3975 |
4070 |
4160 |
4240 |
4315 |
4385 |
4445 |
4500 |
3025 |
3370 |
3755 |
4145 |
4255 |
4355 |
4450 |
4535 |
4615 |
4690 |
4755 |
4815 |
3750 |
4135 |
4540 |
4945 |
5160 |
5375 |
5590 |
5815 |
5915 |
6005 |
6205 |
6290 |
6360 |
6425 |
6480 |
6670 |
6715 |
6750 |
2485 |
2765 |
3080 |
3400 |
3490 |
3575 |
3650 |
3720 |
3785 |
3845 |
3900 |
3950 |
4060 |
4165 |
4275 |
4380 |
4480 |
4585 |
Load data in the table is valid for one wheel only.
Reference speed and load are shown in bold.
TT= Tube type. All tubes have valve type TR218 if not other is specified.
Tractor tyres for Agroforest use
10-30-40-50= 10-30-40-50 Km/h road service.
10HT= 10 Km/h service in terrain with or without stones/rocks.
IMPORTANT:the inflation pressure is established considering the application and the load for each tyre.